Below are PDFs of the articles from the monographic treatment of Lemudong’o, Kenya, published in December of 2007 as volume 56 of Kirtlandia, journal of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
Ambrose SH, MD Kyule, LJ Hlusko. 2007. History of paleontological research in the Narok District of Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 1-37.
Ambrose et al. The paleoecology and paleogeographic context of Lemudong’o Locality 1, a Late Miocene terrestrial fossil site in Southern Kenya. Kirtlandia 56:38-52.
Ambrose SH, CM Nyamai, EM Mathu, MAJ Williams. 2007. Geology, geochemistry, and stratigraphy of the Lemudong’o Formation, Kenya Rift Valley. Kirtlandia 56: 53-64.
Deino AL and Ambrose SH. 2007. 40AR/39AR dating of the Lemudong’o late Miocene fossil assemblages, Southern Kenya Rift. Kirtlandia 56: 65-71.
Hlusko LJ. 2007. A new late Miocene species of Paracolobus and other Cercopithecoidea (Mammalia: Primates) fossils from Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 72-85.
Hlusko LJ. 2007. Earliest evidence for Atherurus and Xenohystrix (Hystricidae, Rodentia) in Africa, from the late Miocene site of Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 86-91.
Manthi FK. 2007. A preliminary review of the rodent fauna from Lemudong’o, Southwestern Kenya, and its implication to the late Miocene paleoenvironments. Kirtlandia 56: 92-105.
Pickford M and LJ Hlusko. 2007. Late Miocene Procaviid hyracoids (Hyracoidea: Dendrohyrax) from Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 106-111.
Darwent CM. 2007. Lagomorphs (Mammalia) from late Miocene deposits at Lemudong’o, Southern Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 112-120.
Howell FC and N Garcia. 2007. Carnivora (Mammalia) from Lemudong’o (Late Miocene: Narok DIstrict, Kenya). Kirtlandia 56: 121-139.
Saegusa H and LJ Hlusko. 2007. New late Miocene elephantoid (Mammalia: Proboscidea) fossils from Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 140-147.
Bernor RL. 2007. The latest Miocene Hipparionine (Equidae) from Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 148-151.
Hlusko LJ and Y Haile-Selassie. 2007. Nyanzachoerus syrticus (Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the late Miocene of Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 152-157.
Boisserie J-R. 2007. Late Miocene Hippopotamidae from Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 158-162.
Hlusko LJ, Y Haile-Selassie, D Degusta. 2007. Late Miocene Bovidae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from Lemudong’o, Narok District, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 163-172.
Stidham TA. 2007. Preliminary assessment of the late Miocene avifauna from Lemudong’o, Kenya. Kirtlandia 56: 173-176.
Head JJ and CJ Bell. 2007. Snakes from Lemudong’o, Kenya Rift Valley. Kirtlandia 56: 177-179.